Saturday, December 03, 2005



I read this in this in this months DAV magazine November/December 2005.

"The DAV has received notice of a scam targeting veterans regarding their presciption medications.

The VA says veterans are receiving calls from company identifying itself as the "Patient Care Group." This company is claiming that the veteran's prescriptions are now being dispensed through them and if veterans wanted to continue to receive their medications, they would need to provide a credit card number.

The VA stresses that it has not changed the process of receiving and dispensing and warns that Patient Care Group is a fraud".

Be careful out there in veterans land, there are people out there that are trying very hard to get your money. Before you give any personnel information about yourself or give anyone you money check them out. I know that a lot of people say that "it wont happen to me" or "I can't be fooled by these kind of people" well I hope your right. Remember this, that for everyone you hear about there is probably several that you don't hear about. I guess what I am saying is be careful brothers and sisters veterans.



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