Friday, November 04, 2005

More Info On PTSD

I was surfing again and came up with another site worth reading. Vietnam Veterans of America GUIDE on PTSD, there is a section called “DEVELOP THE EVIDENCE”. Read this section and look up the VA regulation that governs the adjudication of PTSD claims. Also look up the Code of Federal Regulations. All the regulation and code numbers are listed on the above site. As it is stated on the site “Do not be discouraged by a VA employee who says you are not entitled to benefits. Put your claim in writing and insist on a written reply from the VA”. If you have been denied in the appeal, DO NOT LET THE TIME RUN OUT. Appeal as soon as you can. As I stated in an earlier Blog it might help you very much if you have one of the organizations on you side. So check them out and ask for help that is what they are there for. Any Regulation, Code of Federal Regulations or U.S. Code came be looked up with and search engine. When you start reading the laws you can become very powerful. As it is said “Knowledge is Power”. If I can help with anything let me know and I will do my best.



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