Monday, October 31, 2005

More About PTSD

Hello Again
Here is another sit to check out about PTSD. There is some pretty good information there. I hope this Blog is helping some of you. I would like to get some feedback for you. You can email me with any questions you may have and if I don't have the answer right away I will do may best to find the answer for you. At least fine a web sit for you to start the hunt for the right answer. Here is the site about PTSD: I think I said this before, I don't have much to do but surf the web. So give me something to do. If you want to talk to me, just email me and I will give you may phone number. Remember one thing about the VA, you must play the game. In the your denial paper work you receive from the VA, It will tell you what information you need. So read it carefully.


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