Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Free Healthcare for Vets Affected by Katrina

Hello Again;

I came across this article and know it could help some of you out.

Free Healthcare for Vets Affected by Katrina *

A bill to improve the health care of the nation's veterans was approved by the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs last week. The "Veterans Health Care Act of 2005" now goes to the floor of the Senate for a vote. Among many provisions, the bill provides free health care for veterans in the area impacted by Hurricane Katrina. That free care would end January 31, 2006. The legislation would also allow VA to reimburse enrolled veterans for the money they spend after receiving emergency treatment in a non-VA facility. The bill also directs the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to expand and improve mental health care services, including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) care provided to veterans, and expand counseling through tele-health linkages. If the bill is approved by Congress and signed into law, the VA would also be able to conduct a study on finding financial efficiencies within the veterans' health care system. For more on
Hurricane Katrina, visit our special section covering the disaster and ongoing relief efforts.

Come on boy and girls get those phones ringing in D.C. and tell those people that you need this help. Myself and other Veterans I know already made our calls to help you out. So make those calls.

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*This report came from the pages of Military.Com. http://www.military.com/MilitaryReport/

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