Thursday, September 29, 2005



I would like to tell you about this site I came across some time ago. It deals with PTSD. I think it’s a great site for those of you, like myself, who are deals with PTSD and the VA. The site has some good information for the entire family. It will also give you (I think) a jump on some of the information the VA will be looking. Here is the site PTSD Support Service. The next is a direct link Sample Stressor Letter for the Department Veteran’s Affairs. I don’t know if it will help all how go to the site but if you need help, well this could be the site. It may be good reading for the entire family and let them know what you are going through. It helped my wife understand me a little better. Funny it helped me understand myself also. It’s not the answer to all our problems about PTSD but I think it dose help. This is the reason I started this Blog, I realized I’m not the only one with PTSD problems. Well enough about that.

There is one more thing I’d like to say. It’s about the DAV I know a lot of you already belong to the organization. I joined not to long ago and things began to happen with my VA clam. The DAV found things that I had forgotten about. They got hold of all my record to include my military medical records. I’ve been trying to get theses records myself and got nothing but a hard time. I don’t know, maybe I was going about it the wrong way. Well I don’t have to worry about that any more. I guess that’s my plug for the DAV. For those of you how don’t belong to any organization find one you like and become a member. They will help you. If interested in the DAV you can click on the DAV symbol to the right.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Free Healthcare for Vets Affected by Katrina

Hello Again;

I came across this article and know it could help some of you out.

Free Healthcare for Vets Affected by Katrina *

A bill to improve the health care of the nation's veterans was approved by the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs last week. The "Veterans Health Care Act of 2005" now goes to the floor of the Senate for a vote. Among many provisions, the bill provides free health care for veterans in the area impacted by Hurricane Katrina. That free care would end January 31, 2006. The legislation would also allow VA to reimburse enrolled veterans for the money they spend after receiving emergency treatment in a non-VA facility. The bill also directs the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to expand and improve mental health care services, including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) care provided to veterans, and expand counseling through tele-health linkages. If the bill is approved by Congress and signed into law, the VA would also be able to conduct a study on finding financial efficiencies within the veterans' health care system. For more on
Hurricane Katrina, visit our special section covering the disaster and ongoing relief efforts.

Come on boy and girls get those phones ringing in D.C. and tell those people that you need this help. Myself and other Veterans I know already made our calls to help you out. So make those calls.

Veterans Report is the most comprehensive newsletter available to help Veterans stay current on benefits changes, learn about important legislation, get great discounts, and use the benefits earned in service. Make sure that you and your colleagues subscribe for this free update publication. There’s a lot of good information on theses pages. Sign up is free.

*This report came from the pages of Military.Com.

Brothers For Ever

Monday, September 19, 2005

Brothers For Ever
I'm starting this Blog in hopes that we Vietnam Veterans can help one another, I see many site on the web the are for the units the owners belong to. That is a good thing. The unit I was with was a bastard unit as so many where. We seemed to serve everyone. Trying to find records for may unit is very hard. I tried to find the guy in my unit but with no luck. I have found bits and pieces on other sites but not much. I was with G Btry 65th ADA.(Quad 50's) 1st Bn 44th Arty, 108th Group, XXIV Corps, I Corps, Dong Ha. Nov 69 - Nov 70. I don't do much these days. As I stated before I surf the not a lot. So when I find some thing good that I think someone may like, I'll post it here. Well that's it for now. Look forward to hearing form others.

Brothers For Ever
Hello again, I can across an interesting sit. It is called, United War Vets Colony, it is located in Wilburton Oklahoma. There is a $200.00 membership fee to join for life. There are no dues or assessments. It is also Tax Free, which some feel is really good; and the Board protects the tax-exempt status. The colony sits on 800 acres of timberland. A creek runs through it, and it is next to a Wildlife Management Area. You can build your own cabin or buy one for sale by another Vet’s estate. The Colony is a good place for those of small means to go and set up a quiet place in the forest to survive in peace. There is work available in the towns around the Colony. Remember the lot and land are FREE and the membership is only $200.00. If this is the kind of place you are looking for you can got to there sit at the following: Once you go to the sit there will be a link to e-mail for more information. I will be in touch. If you live in the area or you just go there scout out the place and let us all know what you think. Also some pictures would be nice. Thanks.

Brothers For Ever