Saturday, January 28, 2006

Last week's link

I forgot to mention that I fixed last week"s link. I will work now. Sorry about that.


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Here is the link for the "Independent Studt Course, Released: March 2002" . I find that reading these studts, I find some things I didn't know. Some of this stuff I can use in helping me with my V.A. Claim. Anyway, this is some good indormation to know. Next week's link will be about "Military Sexual Trauma"

Good Luck

Saturday, January 21, 2006

A Guide to Gulf War Veterans' Health

Here is something for our Brothers and sisters of the Gulf War. This is an Independent Study Course dated 1997, Revised: June 2001 and Released: March 2002. There seems to be a lot of information here about the Gulf War and maybe some good reading. Here is a link to the page: . Next week I will post a study on PTSD.

Good Luck

Friday, January 13, 2006

State Government's Veterans Affairs Offices

Here's another little goody. Now I know we all heard of this office, but how many are making them work for you? That is what they are there for. Check out the state you live in and see what the state has to offer. Keep in touch with them because as you may know things change very quickly and sometimes slower then you know what. Remember those folks are there to help you. So make them earn there keep. Here is a link for all the states. State Government Veterans Affairs Office.

Good Luck

Agent Orange

I came across this nice page and I think it could be a lot of help to many. The title is Vietnam Veterans and Agent Orange Exposure. It is an independent study course, released on March 2002. It may be a little outdated but there is a lot of good stuff here for a Veterans to know when filing a clam. Check it out it can heart: as you can tell it is a PDF File. I also thought I would put a hyperlink to the Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependents. Most everyone as a copy by now, but here it is anyway. book 2005. When the 2006 shows up I'll post that one also. When the book first came out everyone grabs one and if your not fast enough, well you don't get one. So I will keep my eyes open. I will as so have some other study on for PTSD and some thing for our Gulf Brothers and Sisters. I'm sorry for not mentioning our sister up front but this information is for both Male and Female heroes. So please don't be upset with me for I will never of get any of you. Keep an eye on this blog AND PLEASE SIGN THE GUEST BOOK that is the way I know what you need or want. Tell my and I'll do my best to find it.


Monday, January 09, 2006

Agent Orange

I haven't past in a long time because I have been sick and the holidays are a bummer for me. I will try to post something of interest at least once a week. Here is a site that has to do with Agent Orange. There are still some questions about the topic. I will look a round some more and see what I can find on the topic. Here is a site for starters. It should answer some questions: let me know if this helps.
One more thing, please sing my guest book and if you have any comments or suggestions please let me know. If you have some thing you would like to post on this blog you can send it to me at I can use all the help I can get.
