Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Military Benefits Simplified

The military benefits you earned have been simplified! Now it's easy for you
to use the education and financial benefits you've earned.
Education Benefits
Use your education benefits to pay for
your education. Military-friendly schools
want to help you get ahead.
  • Get Credit for service
  • GI Bill pays up to #37.000
  • Study online or in classrooms

Request FREE Informatin Today

VA Loan Benefits

Veteran Affairs just increased the VA

Loan amount to over $417,000. Use your

VA Loan and save thousands of dollars.

  • Buy a home with no down payment
  • Lock in historically low rates
  • Refinance your current mortgage

Get Started Today

Health Effects from Chemical, Biological and Radiological Weapons

Here is another Independent Study Course Released: October 2003.


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Endemic Infectious Diseases of Southwest Asia

I received and email form someone and it was very encouraging, so I decided to continue posting information that I find and think would be of use to someone. This enter is an Independent Study Course Released: October 2003. Again I hope it helps someone. .


Sunday, February 19, 2006

Visual Impairment

This week will be the last week that I post anything. The reason is that I am not getting any feed back or anyone signing the guess book. I don't even know If anyone is reading this stuff. So If this is helping anyone let me know and I will continue. But for now I'm going to stop. Here is this week Link. Visual Impairment and Blindness, Independent Study course Released: April 2002. .


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Hearing Impairment

Hello Out There;
I don't know if anyone is reading this stuff or for that matter coming to the blog site. I'll keep posting in hopes someone grt some use out of this site. Well another Independent Study Course: Released March 2002 the link is: . Enjoy.


Monday, February 06, 2006

Military Sexual Trauma

Here is the study of Military Sexual Trauma, dated January 2004. . Not many solders will own up to being sexual harassed, but we all know it happens to both male and female. I don't think needs to happen in today world. For those how believe that they been sexual harassed "SPEAK UP!!!". That's all I have to say about that. I could go on and on but I think I say it all in a nut shell. Next week will be about Hearing Impairment.

Good Luck

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Last week's link

I forgot to mention that I fixed last week"s link. I will work now. Sorry about that.


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Here is the link for the "Independent Studt Course, Released: March 2002" . I find that reading these studts, I find some things I didn't know. Some of this stuff I can use in helping me with my V.A. Claim. Anyway, this is some good indormation to know. Next week's link will be about "Military Sexual Trauma"

Good Luck

Saturday, January 21, 2006

A Guide to Gulf War Veterans' Health

Here is something for our Brothers and sisters of the Gulf War. This is an Independent Study Course dated 1997, Revised: June 2001 and Released: March 2002. There seems to be a lot of information here about the Gulf War and maybe some good reading. Here is a link to the page: . Next week I will post a study on PTSD.

Good Luck